lacustrine plain

  • 湖积平原
lacustrine plainlacustrine plain
  1. The working method and requirement of the hydrologic reconnaissance for the wellhead field of the alluvial lacustrine plain are systematically expounded in this paper .


  2. The hydrologic reconnaissance for the wellhead field of the alluvial lacustrine plain Lake Biwa


  3. Studies on the utilization and amelioration of gleyed paddy soil in low lacustrine plain


  4. In the Yellow River lacustrine plain , the phreatic water is mainly recharged by the irrigated water diverted from the Yellow River .


  5. Outcrop analysis of architecture of lacustrine deltaic plain sand bodies


  6. The characteristics and significance of the splay delta deposits in lower lacustrine delta plain , Yanan Formation ( middle jurassic ), Yulin district , shaanxi Province


  7. This paper discusses the transformation of groundwater and river water through several different belts of Hexi Corridor , which are from forming area of Qilian Mountain to disappearing area of lacustrine deposit plain in lower reaches basin , and expatiates on the relationship and rule of mutual transformation .
